Friday, February 20, 2009

Buy First or Sell First?

This is a great topic for the current market conditions. The answer, of course, depends on the situation in which each homeowner is involved. Most markets are seeing high inventory and not enough buyers to lower those levels. So what do you do? Some sellers choose to carry a bridge loan. This will help them to buy before they sell. A bridge loan helps borrowers by halting payment on their new home until their old home sells.

While this is an option, the old home may not sell. Some research shows less than 50% of homes listed do NOT sell. In a buyer's market such as the one we are in, It is wise to sell before you buy. In a seller's market, it may be a smarter choice to find your new home before you sell because the amount of buyers outweigh the number of homes on the market. This fosters competition and quick turnaround for listings.

I would advise my clients in our current market to do a few things before they decide to make any decisions. Sellers should find out what they owe on their current house. They should get prequalified for a home loan to see how much they can afford for a new home. They could also find out if they qualify for a bridge loan. Their lender should give them a good faith estimate of settlement costs. This will show them what their payments and settlement costs will be for their new home purchase. Sellers will also incur some closing costs on the sale of their current home. When we perform a market analysis, we always provide our prospective sellers an estimated costs to sell sheet. This will give them a pretty good idea what they can expect to net from the sale of their home.

Oh By the way... I'm never too busy for any of your referrals!

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