Monday, October 12, 2009

Extend the Tax Credit!!!

Life has been good the last year or so for first time buyers. With an extra $8000 in their pocket, the prospect of investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in a new home has been a lot better. For those who have waited or weren't ready, what does the future hold? Will the tax credit be extended?

The National Association of Realtors chief economist, Lawrence Yun sure hopes so. He believes an extension of the tax credit is essential to preserving the incentives for financially qualified buyers. Speaking of which, I have noticed that becoming financially qualified is much more difficult than it was a couple of years ago. Banks and other lending institutions are tightening restrictions on mortgage loans to the point that us realtors are pulling our hair out! For those of us who have been in the business more than 15 years, it's simply back to the old days. This is how it used to be. "You mean you actually need to have money for a down payment?!" Uhhh... yea, you do. You also need to prove where that money came from. 100% financing and no documentation loans are all but over. That's what got us into this housing crisis in the first place.

So, back to the real issue... will we see an extension of the tax credit? I don't know, but I sure hope so too. In Omaha, we have seen an impressive surge of first time buyers come into the market. I have even seen a few competing offers on a few listings. I didn't see that happening in a down economy! Those new homeowners are excited about using their tax credit to add on to their home, put in a new kitchen, or invest/save. We have also seen the Omaha metro's inventory go down by 17% in the last year or so, and the entry level market has seen pending sales go up by nearly 50%!!! That's huge people. I'll keep you posted on the tax credit news....

Stay tuned...

Oh By the way... I'm never too busy for any of your referrals!